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progressive increase中文是什么意思

用"progressive increase"造句"progressive increase"怎么读"progressive increase" in a sentence


  • 递增


  • The question of progressive increase of payment and its essence viewed from the development of economic growth theory
  • In contrast to the placebo group a progressive increase of total and free tfpi was determined after the administration of the mps cream
    与安慰剂组不同的是,多磺酸粘多糖乳膏组,总的和游离的组织因子旁路抑制因子( tfpi )水平持续增加。
  • To achieve this , we have requested a progressive increase in the number of nursing degree places and a gradual phasing out of nursing sub - degree places
  • The council ' s accreditation work on sub - degree programmes has been further expanded to support the government ' s initiative to support the progressive increase in post - secondary education opportunities
  • But because of the linkage between aging and death , they have also been able to give " senescence " a formal , mathematical definition - - the progressive increase in an organism ' s likelihood to die soon
  • The contradiction between scale of economy and competition as well as the limitation of its progressive increase of income determines the rationality and necessity of medium and small enterprises , while the incomplete competition of actual market provides possibility for the enterprises
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